Health And Fitness

Lower Back Pain: How To Cure Fast In Record Time

Lower back pain is one of the common problems observed in people around the world. Your lower back supports the upper body. It allows the body to turn, twist, bend, lift, and walk.

The lower back plays a very important role in mobility. The lower back takes a lot of punishment, as we tend to overuse or misuse it. Most of the time occasional aches and pains spring up in our lower backs from time to time.

These minor pains can be caused due to overdoing workout at the gym, no properly lifting the weight, odd sleep position, sitting for a long time. Most of the time, these minor aches and pains can be treated with a heat wrap and some medication.

Sometimes, you can have severe back pain. This pain can be extremely depressing and debilitating. People that deal with chronic pain are more likely to be on antidepressants.

Most people get depressed and upset when they can’t do the things they once enjoyed doing. Before going to treatment, let’s see why lower back pain occurs.

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What Causes Lower Back Pain

There are plenty of causes for severe lower back pain. Mainly due to slipped disc pinched nerve, seriously sprained or torn muscle, even muscle spasms can cause pain.

Disc injury

The discs in the back are normally prone to injury. This risk increases with age when the outside of the disc can tear or slip.

A slipped or ruptured disc problem occurs when the cartilage surrounding the disc pushes against the spinal cord or nerve roots.

Here the cushion that sits between the spinal vertebrae extends outside its normal position.

Disc injury usually occurs suddenly after lifting heavy weight or forcefully twisting the back.


Sciatica can occur with a slipped disc if the disc presses on the sciatic nerve.

The sciatic nerve connects our spine to the legs. As a result, sciatica can cause pain in the legs and feet.

This type of pain usually feels like burning, or pins and needles.


Your bones lose mass faster than it is often replaced, making them brittle. They can even fracture fast with little or no warning.

These fractures are especially common within the spine, where they’re called vertebral compression fractures.

Both men and ladies lose bone mass as they age, but postmenopausal women break down much faster than are more in danger of osteoporosis.

Mechanical Lower Back Pain

It is often triggered by spinal movement and involves spinal structures, such as the facet joints, intervertebral discs, vertebral bodies (vertebrae), ligaments, muscles, or soft tissues.

Along with the above causes, there are Some Other Causes of Lower Back Pain.

That includes the shape of your spine, and well spinal diseases, which are other culprits in back pain.

Don’t worry; treatment is available for each and every cause.

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What is the Best Treatment for Lower Back Pain?

Treatments ranges from simple to complex and therefore the right course for you depends on how long you’ve been hurting, the severity of your pain, the location of your pain in the lower back, and whether your pain is structural or muscular.

There are many options available for Lower Back Pain Treatment, depending upon the matter.

In the initial stages of pain, stretching exercises work most effectively as Back Pain Treatment.

Do Some Gentle Stretches

Gentle stretches, walking, and periodically standing up on your feet can help stabilize your spine and stop muscle imbalances.

Not only is it almost zero impact, but the poses and stretches performed in yoga are often very therapeutic.

The nice thing about gentle stretching is that it’s feasible to try to when you’re in pain.

It often provides the fastest relief. Repeat these stretches work five or more times a day.

You will notice some positive changes in your spine, your posture, and your overall well-being.

Use Ice and Heat Therapy

Break out that bag of frozen peas for the primary 48 hours after the pain sets in. Put it to use for at least 20 minutes a session.

Do this for several sessions per day. After those two days are behind you, switch to 20-minute intervals with a hot pad.

Localized cooling shuts down capillaries and reduces blood flow to the world, which helps ease the swelling.

Cold therapy also thwarts your nerves’ ability to conduct pain signals.

Heat therapy, on the opposite hand, loosens tight muscles and increases circulation, bringing extra oxygen to the rescue.

Take Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

Even as you practice patience, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), such as ibuprofen or naproxen can help reduce back pain.

The research finds that these may give you slightly better relief than acetaminophen.

Most of the time when you have back pain; it’s a muscle or ligament strain and inflammation.

In such cases you have is helped by an anti-inflammatory.

Over long periods, NSAIDs can cause gastrointestinal problems.

So you don’t take them for more than 10 days without consulting your doctor.

Replace Your Mattress

You may be surprised to learn that the average life span of a mattress is less than 10 years.

This is not a hard-and-fast rule. If your mattress is sagging significantly or is more than six to eight years old, I suggest trying to getting a new one.

A firm mattress may not do your back any favors.

Over the years, a number of studies suggest that people with back pain who sleep on medium-firm mattresses do better than those with firm beds.

Try Physical Therapy for Severe Lower Back Pain

A physical therapist will teach you to stretch to manage your back pain, as well as exercises to correct any imbalances that might have brought on pain in the first place.

Depending on the causes and severity, your physical therapist may also employ other treatment techniques.

Physical therapy is the best treatment for back pain when people have an episode once or twice a year.

It helps to strengthen core muscles and back extensor muscles.

However, if you try the treatments above and don’t see any improvements talk to your doctor.

Here you may require some more specific tests or treatments to get the exact causes of lower back pain.

Put Your Spine Back Into Perfect Alignment to Eliminate Back Pain!

I Will Pray, Not For This Treatment

Lowe Back Pain can be incredibly frustrating, and going under surgery may seem like the quickest, easiest fix to bring relief.

To be honest many people don’t need surgery for back pain management.

If your back pain is musculoskeletal, you don’t require surgery.

If it is because of the pinched nerve that’s due to a disc herniation or something else, you may need to go under surgery.

But even in those people, who go through a six-to-eight-week course of physical therapy treatment and activity modification, 85 to 90 percent of the time, they won’t need surgery.

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Lower Back Pain Exercises

Right movement can help relieve back pain. Avoid workouts that put too much stress and strain on your back.

So which exercises should you select? That partly depends on how intense your back pain is, and what causes it.

So, don’t do any heavy exertion without the recommendation of your doctor.

The following simple exercises will help relieve lower back pain.

Adding these movements to your daily workout routine can free you from your nagging, daily pain.

Just consult with your doctor first before applying this exercise.

Partial Crunches

Partial stomach crunch is one of the classic core-strengthening workouts for back pain.

This type of crunches builds strength in your lower back and related stomach muscles. This is an ideal exercise for people with spondylosis.

The procedure of partial crunches:

  • Lie back, and keep your feet flat on the ground together with your knees bent.
  • With your hands behind your head or with arms crossed around your chest, raise your shoulders from the ground. Make sure to keep your stomach muscles tight.
  • Breathe out while raising your shoulders. Avoid leading together with your elbows.
  • Hold for one second. Next, lower yourself backtrack to the ground in a controlled manner.
  • Repeat for 8 and 12 repetitions.

Remember to follow all steps in proper form, which prevents excessive spine stress.

Keep your feet, tailbone, and lower back against the ground throughout the exercise.

Put Your Spine Back Into Perfect Alignment to Eliminate Back Pain!

Hamstring Stretches

Hamstring stretches will relieve the rear of the leg, where a number of the muscles that support the work of the lower spine are found.

This is a stretch that benefits from the utilization of a towel or fitness band.

Procedure for Hamstring Stretch:

  • First, gently lie down on your back with one knee bent.
  • Next, thread a piece of towel beneath the ball of the foot on the unbent leg.
  • Pull back on the towel slowly, while straightening your knee. You need to feel a mild stretch in the rear of your leg.
  • Hold the stretch for at least 15-30 seconds.
  • For each leg, repeat 5 times.

Pelvic Tilts

Before back pain has you writhing on the ground with the standard symptoms, try lying on your back for a few pelvic tilts.

This workout is meant to strengthen your pelvis, which frequently works together with the core muscles along your spine.

Making sure your abdomen can pull its justifiable share means your spine pain will have one less possible cause.

  • Lie together with your back and upper body on the ground with your knees bent. Keep your feet flat on the floor.
  • Pull in your stomach. Now imagine your belly button is being pulled toward your backbone—this helps keep your stomach tight.
  • Doing this, you’ll notice your hips rocking back as your back and spine press into the ground.
  • Hold this pelvic movement for 10 seconds, allowing your breath to smoothly enter and exit your chest.
  • Repeat your pelvic tilts 8 to 12 times.

Aerobic Exercises

Aerobic workouts, also known as cardio, help strengthen the whole cardiovascular system.

Aerobics can include biking, swimming, walking, or many other exercises that elevate your pulse and obtain you moving.

To start, try a short session. As time goes, lengthen the session as your stamina improves.

Since lower back pain sometimes requires special care, you can try swimming as a treatment for your symptoms.

In swimming, the water supports your body weight, giving your back an opportunity.

Be careful to avoid any strokes that need your body to twist.

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Properly Choose Weight Lifting Exercises

Weight lifting will not increase your back pain if properly done.

In fact, you may feel that pain start to disappear as weight lifting begins to strengthen your lower back and supporting body parts.

However, when your back pain starts suddenly, the additional stress of weight training could harm your back, potentially leading to injury.

To use weight lifting as a back-pain treatment, consult your doctor first.

Your doctor can wisely advise you on whether or not to lift weights.

If they permit, your physician can advise you on which workouts you should avoid.

Wall Sits for Lower Back Pain

When it involves low back pain, try some wall sits as an opportunity for the treatment.

To do these wall sits properly and without injury, follow these proven steps:

  • Stand together with your back facing the wall at a distance of about 10 to 12 inches.
  • Carefully lean into the wall until your spine is flat against the wall.
  • Slide down the wall gently until your knees are bent slightly. Continue to press your low back to the wall.
  • Hold this position for a count of 10, then carefully slide copy the wall. Repeat 8 to 12 times.

Knee to Chest Exercise for Lower Back Pain

Here is another way to get your legs pumping as a low back pain treatment.

Follow these procedures to perform a safe knee-to-chest workout.

  • Lie down on your back. Put your feet flat on the ground and bend your knees gently.
  • Draw your right knee towards your chest. Keep the left foot flat against the ground.
  • Hold this position for 15-30 seconds. Meanwhile, be sure to keep your lower back straight on the ground.
  • Now, lower your right knee. Repeat the procedure with the left leg.
  • For both legs, perform knee-to-chest 2 to 4 times.

Put Your Spine Back Into Perfect Alignment to Eliminate Back Pain!

Do Yoga Poses to Get Relief in Lower Back Pain

If back pain lasts long for three months, there is evidence that yoga can help.

One recent study proves that people who took 12 weeks of yoga classes had fewer symptoms of low back pain than people who were given a book about care for back pain.

The yoga poses benefits lasted several months after the classes were finished.

This study suggests conventional stretching also works just as well.

Just make sure your yoga instructor is experienced at teaching people with back pain and will modify postures for you as needed.


Avoid Leg Lifts, Sit-Ups, Heavy Gym Workout, and also skip the Toe Touches.

If you follow the above-mentioned exercise, you can also heal lower back pain fast.

However, I personally feel regular exercise and a healthy diet is the Best Lower Back Pain Treatment.

What is your opinion? Have you ever suffered from lower back pain? Share your experience in the comment section. If you found the information informative, share it with others also.

This post was last modified on February 28, 2024 12:55 pm

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