Health And Fitness

Depression: How To Overcome Without Medication?

Depression is one kind of mental illness found worldwide. According to WHO nearly 246 million people affected every year. Depression challenges in everyday life especially with moderate or severe intensity.

It is normal for people feeling sad or helpless sometimes, but some people cannot just snap out of it. It can cause the affected person to suffer greatly and function poorly at work, and in the family.

A depressed person may struggle with feelings of low self-worth, recurrent thoughts of dying. Near about 800 000 people die due to suicide every year. Suicide is the second leading cause of death in 15 to 29-year-olds.

Although there are known, effective treatments available for mental disorders. A mild to moderate depression can be cured if diagnosed at an early stage.

Here you find the details about depression and how to treat it effectively.

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What is meant by depression?

In lemans language, depression is a mood disorder. Depression is different from usual mood fluctuations and short-lived emotional responses to challenges in everyday life. Especially when it long-lasting and severe intensity, depression may become a serious health issue.

Normally every person has feelings of sadness or loneliness. When this feeling persists for a long time it converts into depression.

Depression affects how you feel, think and behave. It can also lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems.  Depressed people have trouble doing normal day-to-day activities. They may feel life is not worth living.

People who are depressed are often not correctly diagnosed which makes the condition worse.

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What are the major depression symptoms observed in a person?

There are specific symptoms that determine whether it’s depression or only sadness. Determining is the first step toward healing and recovery. Below are the warning signs to see if it’s time for you to see a mental health professional.

  • Loss of interest in daily activities once enjoyed.
  • Feelings of worthlessness, self-hate, or inappropriate guilt.
  • Decreased sex drive.
  • Feeling unusual fear
  • Changes in appetite.
  • Weight loss or gain unrelated to dieting.
  • Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much.
  • Loss of energy or increased fatigue.
  • Increase in purposeless physical activity.
  • Difficulty thinking, concentrating, or making decisions.
  • Thoughts of death or suicide.

Let’s check out different types of depression.

What are the 7 types of depression?

When people talk about depression they took it due to financial condition, loss of loved one, bad health, etc. As a condition, depression can be a difficult concept to grasp. Here you find medically defined 7 types of depression.

Major Depression

Major depressive disorder, classic depression, or unipolar depression are the other names of major depression. About 16.2 million adults in the U.S. have experienced at least one major depressive disorder in their lifetime. Even if there’s no firm reason for depression, that doesn’t mean it’s not real. The symptoms can include

  • Feelings of sadness,
  • Emptiness,
  • Worthlessness,
  • Hopelessness and guilt.

Persistent depression

A persistent clinical depression may be a depression that lasts for 2 years or more. It’s also called dysthymia or chronic depression. Persistent depression might not feel as intense as major depression, but it can still strain relationships and make daily tasks difficult. With this sort of depression, people must even have

  • Sleep problems,
  • Low energy or fatigue,
  • Low self-esteem;
  • Poor appetite or overeating;
  • Poor concentration or difficulty making decisions

Manic depression or bipolar disorder

Manic depression is an outdated name for bipolar disorder. It consists of periods of mania or hypomania, where you feel very happy, alternating with episodes of depression.

In order to be diagnosed with bipolar disorder, you have to experience an episode of mania that lasts for seven days. You may experience a depressive episode before or following the manic episode.

Depressive episodes have equivalent symptoms to major depression.

  • Signs of a manic phase include:
  • High energy
  • Reduced sleep
  • Irritability
  • Increased self-esteem and confidence

Postpartum Depression

It is also known as Perinatal depression. Postpartum depression occurs during pregnancy or within four weeks of childbirth. Perinatal depression can occur while you’re pregnant. Hormonal changes that happen during pregnancy and childbirth can trigger changes in the brain that lead to mood swings.

Symptoms of perinatal depression are often as severe as those of major depression and include:

  • Anxiety
  • Anger or rage
  • Extreme worry about the baby‘s health and safety
  • Difficulty caring for yourself or the new baby
  • Thoughts of self-harm or harming the baby

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) may be a severe sort of PMS (PMS). While PMS symptoms are often both physical and psychological, PMDD symptoms tend to be mostly psychological.

These psychological symptoms are more severe than those related to PMS. For example, some women might feel more emotional in the days leading up to their period. But someone with PMDD might experience A level of depression and sadness that gets within the way of day-to-day functions.

Other possible symptoms of PMDD include:

  • Cramps, bloating, and breast tenderness
  • Headaches
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Sadness and despair
  • Irritability and anger
  • Extreme mood swings
  • Sleep problems

Similar to perinatal depression, PMDD is believed to be associated with hormonal changes. Its symptoms often begin just after ovulation and begin to ease up once you get your period.

Seasonal depression

Seasonal depression, also called seasonal affective disorder and clinically known as a major depressive disorder with seasonal pattern, is depression that’s related to certain seasons. For most people, it tends to happen during the winter months.

Symptoms often begin in the fall, as days start to get shorter and continue through the winter. They include:

  • Social withdrawal
  • Increased need for sleep
  • Weight gain
  • Daily feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or unworthiness

Seasonal depression may worsen because the season progresses and may cause suicidal thoughts. Once spring rolls around, symptoms tend to improve. This might be related to changes in your bodily rhythms in response to the increase in natural light.

Situational depression

Situational depression, clinically known as adjustment disorder with depressed mood, looks like major depression in many respects.

But it’s brought on by specific events or situations, such as:

  • Death of a loved one
  • A serious illness or another life-threatening event
  • Going through divorce or child custody issues
  • Being in emotionally or physically abusive relationships
  • Being unemployed or facing serious financial difficulties
  • Facing extensive legal troubles

Of course, it’s normal to feel sad and anxious during events like these. But situational depression happens when these feelings start to check out of proportion with the triggering event and interfere together with your lifestyle.

Situational depression symptoms tend to start within three months of the initial event and can include:

  • Frequent crying
  • Sadness and hopelessness
  • Anxiety
  • Appetite changes
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Aches and pains
  • Lack of energy and fatigue
  • Inability to concentrate

Whatever the depression type may be but it must be cured with treatments. There are several methods available; you can use any of those. The depression treatment ranges from medication to therapy to self-help.

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How to Cure Depression without Medication?

The depression symptoms vary from person to person. So, anyone’s treatment might not suitable for all. If early diagnosed, there are many ways to counter some of the symptoms of depression. The good news, that doesn’t involve prescription medications. If so, check out these natural alternatives.

Take Sufficient Sleep

Sleep and mood go hand in hand. Get insufficient of the previous and therefore the latter is sure to flag (whether you’ve got depression or not). Make sure you’ve got what sleep experts call good sleep hygiene.

This means you retain consistent bedtimes and wake-up times, your bedroom is about up for sound sleep (it’s dark, quiet, and uncluttered), you’ve got a soothing bedtime routine that does not involve sitting in front of a screen, and so on.

Whether you cannot seem to urge any sleep or can’t seem to prevent sleeping, there are steps you’ll fancy attempt to improve the standard of your sleep.

  • Give yourself a period to unwind before you attend bed; do something relaxing and avoid stressful tasks or thoughts.
  • Go to bed at an equivalent time each night, and set an alarm in order that you wake at an equivalent time each morning.
  • Have a consistent bedtime routine.
  • Turn off your devices and check out reading a book for a couple of minutes.

Consume Less Caffeine

Coffee, tea, soda, or even chocolate are steeped in caffeine. It’s fine to enjoy an affordable amount of caffeine within the morning, but if you are doing, don’t consume caffeine after late afternoon so it doesn’t interfere with sleep.

If you are doing tend to believe caffeine, try decreasing gradually so as to avoid unpleasant symptoms of caffeine withdrawal. When you are craving a soda or cup of coffee, try going for a brief walk around the block instead.

Go for Vitamin D

There’s some evidence that a deficiency of this important nutrient could play a task in depression. If you are not getting enough vitamin D through your diet and lifestyle (like sun exposure), ask your doctor if you need to try taking a supplement.

Certain nutrient deficiencies can play a task in depression symptoms. If you’re having a difficult time spending enough time outdoors or if an overcast climate makes it hard to urge sunshine, a supplement could even be useful.

Make Exercise Your Regular Habit

This doesn’t mean train for a marathon, but it does mean fixing a half-hour approximately of low-intensity activity every day, which has been found to be effective in improving mood and quality of life.

Even better, take it outdoors. Fresh air and sunshine are especially healing for people handling a special sort of depression referred to as seasonal emotional disorder.

While research has shown that regular physical activity is often effective in both the prevention and treatment of depression. It is often hard to start out an exercise habit when you’re depressed. Lack of energy and low mood may mean that you just simply feel too fatigued to urge up and obtain active.

Some things that you simply can attempt to stick with your habit:

Ask a beloved to steer with you or do another sort of exercise a minimum of a couple of times every week.

Having the support of a loved one can’t only help get you into a routine, but it also can assist you to maintain those social connections once you are feeling down.

Remind yourself of the advantages.

Getting started is hard, but doing it’s something that will assist you to feel better within the long-term.

Start small. Try walking for just a couple of minutes every day, then work on gradually increasing your walks.

Go Social

When you’re depressed, there is no reason to live it alone. Make enjoyment plans with loved ones and also keep those dates. Join a club or check-in for a bunch activity like Joining Yoga Class.

Other stuff you might try

Join a support group 

speak to people who face equivalent experiences and challenges are often informative and helpful.

Schedule activities

Having routines will be helpful once you are suffering from depression. Create a daily schedule that has spending time with others. you’re more likely to stay thereto if it is a scheduled event.


Joining a cause that you simply care about may be a good way to satisfy new people and expand your social circle.

Depression often causes people to withdraw, which only further worsens the feelings of isolation and loneliness. Even once you do not feel like going out or being social, try reaching move into whatever way is most comfortable for you. Enlist a couple of of your closes loved ones who understand what you’re experiencing.

Doing the items you want to do won’t bring you quite an equivalent enjoyment, but getting out of the house and spending time with people that care about you’ll assist you to feel better.

Manage Stress

Stress can draw near levels of a brain chemical called cortisol, which has been found to be higher in folks with depression.

There are many strategies for dealing with stress, like time management, meditation, and joining the laughter club.

Some stress-relieving activities that you simply might want to include in your lifestyle are:

Deep breathing: a couple of minutes to slow your breathing and focus your attention on your body at the instant can assist you to get a far better handle on your worries.

Progressive muscle relaxation: This process involves intentionally tightening muscles throughout the body, holding that tension for several counts, and then releasing that tension until the muscles are completely relax.

With regular practice, you’ll be ready to find out how to intentionally relax your body fairly quickly whenever you’re feeling tense.

Learning to manage your stress effectively takes time and practice. Ask your doctor or therapist about other strategies you would possibly attempt to minimize the stresses and your response thereto.

Eat Mood Improving Food

What you set in your stomach can have an immediate effect on how you’re thinking that and feel. Ensure to eat a well-balanced diet.

Your food must be rich in nutrients and low in saturated fat. A professional dietitian can assist you to analyze your eating habits. They will pinpoint potential nutrient deficiencies that might contribute to depression.

Some below foods which will be beneficial once you have depression:

Fish: Research has found that individuals who ate a diet high in fish were less likely to possess symptoms of depression. Fish are high in omega-3 fats, which play a job in helping neurotransmitters like serotonin working in the brain.

Nuts: Nuts also are a decent source of omega-3 fats and one study indicated a person who ate walnuts was 26% less likely to own symptoms of depression. 

Probiotics: Research is increasingly confirming a connection between gut and brain health. Foods that are high in probiotics include yogurt, kefir, kimchi, and kombucha.

Manage Your Thought Process

Your thoughts truly do have an immediate pertaining to your mood. If you’re battling negativity, consider seeing a therapist assist you learn ways to counter it.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is that the preferred and effective treatment employed in the treatment of depression.

This type of psychotherapy focuses on identifying negative thinking patterns then replacing them with more positive ones.

Once you end up having a negative thought, consciously reframe it in a positive way.

For instance, you would possibly replace something like “This will never work” with something more positive like, “Here are a couple of things that I can try which will help me start.”

Shifting your focus to your strengths and skills can assist you to maintain a more positive mindset.

Avoid Drinking Alcohol

Alcohol in and of itself may be a depressant. Curiously enough, drinking can interfere with sleep, and quality sleep may be a key to battling the blues.

While alcohol might sound sort of a band-aid to flee what you’re feeling, it can actually make many of the symptoms of depression feel much worse.

Not only that, but it can decrease inhibitions and potentially cause risky behaviors and bad decisions which will have long-term consequences.

If you are taking any kind of antidepressant, you actually shouldn’t drink in the least. Alcohol doesn’t interact well with medication.

If you’ve got been misusing alcohol or other substances and wish help quitting, ask your doctor. You’ll even have an alcohol or substance use disorder also.

Withdrawal symptoms may temporarily worsen symptoms of depression, so you’ll need extra assistance as you undergo this process.


If you are at an early stage of depression, self-help is best. For moderate to severe depression conditions, go to your doctor.

They will properly treat you to overcome this mental health condition. Treatment may be a long duration, expensive but your health is most valuable than anything.

If you like the information shared here, do share it with others. Do you have any stories of depression? How you overcome from? Share in a comment below.

This post was last modified on February 28, 2024 7:13 pm

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