women health

PCOS: The Complete Guide to Getting Fast Results

Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome in short PCOS can affect a women’s fertility in her childbearing age.

Near about 10 percent of women facing this problem and the numbers are increasing day by day. PCOS can highly impact your desire to be a mother if you haven’t yet.

This is not an illness in any way but a medical problem that highly affects your life. Polycystic ovaries syndrome can occur at any age of the menstrual woman.

To date medical science unable to found treatment for 100 percent cure.

This may be bad news for PCOS women but the good news is that you can live happily with polycystic ovaries. How? Let’s go to get the full details.

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What is PCOS Meaning?

Polycystic ovary syndrome or polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS is a common health problem related to hormonal imbalance.

Every woman’s ovaries produce three types of hormones in their bodies.

Mainly estrogen, progesterone, and a small number of androgens. Out of these three, estrogen and progesterone hormone regulates the menstrual cycle.

The androgens hormone is known as a male hormone.

When androgens level increase in ovaries it can prevent the ovaries from releasing an egg (ovulation) during each menstrual cycle.

This imbalance leads women to the PCOS stage. In PCOS women three main features are found.

  • Cysts in the ovaries
  • High levels of androgens
  • Irregular or skipped periods

Cysts are small, fluid-filled sacs that grow inside the ovaries. Polycystic means “many cysts” inside the ovaries.

These sacs are actually follicles, which contain an immature egg.

The eggs never mature enough in cysts for ovulation. The lack of ovulation lowers the level of estrogen and progesterone than normal.

It also increases the androgens level higher than usual.

Increased androgens disrupt the menstrual cycle, so women with PCOS get fewer periods than usual. In simple, there are fewer chances of pregnancy.

What are the Symptoms of PCOS Problems Found in Females?

These symptoms become apparent in your late teens or early 20s. Not all PCOS women found all of the symptoms.

It is also possible that each symptom can vary from mild to severe. The common symptoms are,

Irregular menstrual cycle (Periods) or No Periods at all

This symptom shows irregularity in periods. There may be chances of an early menstrual cycle or late menstrual cycle.

Heavy bleeding or very little bleeding is also observed. In severe cases, no periods can also be observed.

Excessive Hair Growth on Body Parts

An excessive hair growth observed on the face, chest, legs, back, or buttocks.

These are the parts where no woman likes the hair. Unfortunately, this syndrome grows hair on unwanted parts.

Weight Gain

This is the common symptom observed in most of the woman during PCOS.

Hormonal changes in the body start gaining weight abnormally. Most of the women are unaware of and blame the diet.

Hair Thinning and Hair Loss from the Scalp

Healthy hair growth requires a healthy hormonal balance.

As hormonal balance gets disturbed your hair starts thinning first and starts losing from the scalp. Even baldness can be observed.

Skin Looks More Oily

This is also one of the common symptoms observed in PCOS women. More oil found on the face, and skin.

How many times you wash the face but oil remains on the face.


Because excessive oil on the skin causes breakouts on areas like the face, chest, and upper back.

Skin Darkening

Dark patches of skin can form in body creases like those on the neck, in the groin, and under the breasts.


Hormone changes can trigger headaches in some women.

These symptoms further lead to many other health problems.

Fertility Problems in Women

PCOS is one of the most common causes of female infertility.

Many women diagnosed have Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome when they are unable to get pregnant.

During each monthly period, the ovaries release an egg into the uterus.

This process is known as ovulation and usually occurs once a month.

But women with PCOS often fail to ovulate or ovulate infrequently.

That means they have irregular or absent periods and find it difficult to get pregnant.

Other Risks in Later Life Due to PCOS

Having PCOS can increase your chances of developing below health problems in later life.

Type 2 Diabetes

A lifelong condition that causes a person’s blood sugar level to become very high

Depression and Mood Swings

These are menopause symptoms that you may feel before menopause age. It affects your confidence and self-esteem

High Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol

Having High BP and Cholesterol can lead you to heart disease or stroke.

Sleep Apnea

Highly overweight women may also develop sleep apnea. A health condition that causes interrupted breathing during sleep.

Women who have had fewer than 3 or 4 periods a year for many years have a higher than average risk of developing endometrial cancer.

So, it is understood that PCOS can’t be ignored. Now let’s see the causes of the syndrome.

What are the Causes of PCOS?

Unfortunately medical science still not found what the main cause of PCOS is.

It is strongly believed that the male hormone Androgens is the main cause.

Most of the symptoms of PCOS are caused by a higher level of androgens.

Excess androgen production is linked with genes, insulin resistance, and inflammation.


Most of the studies show that PCOS runs in families. So, it’s likely that many genes contribute to the condition.

Insulin Resistance

Insulin may be a hormone the pancreas produces to assist the body use sugar from foods for energy.

When our body cells can’t use insulin properly, the body’s demand for insulin increases.

The pancreas makes more insulin to compensate for the demand. Extra insulin triggers the ovaries to produce more androgens.

Up to 70 percent of PCOS women have insulin resistance, meaning that their cells can’t use insulin properly.


PCOS women often have increased levels of inflammation in their bodies. Being overweight can also contribute to inflammation.

Numerous studies have linked excess inflammation to higher androgen levels.

How to Overcome PCOS Naturally at Home

Though PCOS is a complex hormonal disorder, you can live happily by adopting natural treatments.

You can manage symptoms and ease them through lifestyle changes and dietary supplements.

Healthy Weight Management

In PCOS woman weight gain is a common symptom found.

This extra weight may lead you to diabetes, coronary heart disease, and other issues associated with obesity.

Maintaining a healthy weight can also help decrease insulin resistance, and regulate your menstrual cycle.

Healthy weight management is a crucial part of controlling PCOS symptoms.

Even only 5 percentage body weight losses help you manage syndrome effectively.

Make some lifestyle changes or join a weight management program.

Keep in mind, weight loss is a promising first-line treatment for polycystic ovary syndrome.

Change Your Diet

Women with PCOS tend to have higher levels of insulin.

If your body has persistently higher insulin, it may stop responding to the hormone as well. As a result, blood sugar levels may always remain high.

Avoiding simple carbohydrates and sugar from the present diet can help stabilize blood sugar levels normal.

Try to avoid white bread, pasta, rice, cookies, chips, cold drinks, etc.

Instead, add complex carbs which contain fiber and other essential nutrients.

That helps you not to raise blood sugar levels as high. Examples of complex carbs are whole grains, brown rice, and whole-wheat bread.

The best diet for PCOS women would comprise complex carbs, lots of fruits and vegetables, and lean proteins.

Consuming the right diet is an essential part of managing PCOS.

Do Regular Exercise

The weight gained due to PCOS can be lower with regular exercise.

In fact, doing regular exercise can help lower insulin levels. As a result, you can maintain normal blood sugar levels.

Exercise makes your heart healthy in turn you will get good sleep and control mood swings.

Along with low-impact exercises like Pilates you can Join Online Yoga Classes also.

Just make sure, practice it for longer durations as much as you can.

Swimming and Light Aerobics is also very useful in keeping the syndrome in control. Running or Brisk Walking also helps.

Exercise should be fun for you so that will not produce stress. That will encourage a woman to engage in its regularly optimum benefits.

Take Probiotics

Normally Probiotics are taken for good gut health and digestion. Recent studies concluded that they can help in treating PCOS also.

Probiotics can also reduce inflammation and regulate sex hormones.

Androgens and Estrogen can be effectively controlled with Probiotics.

Researchers have now linked alterations in the gut environment, with obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

Consider taking the best probiotic supplements and eating probiotic foods.

Minimize use of Endocrine Disruptors

Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that interfere with your body’s natural hormonal reactions.

Some endocrine disruptors mimic female and male sex hormones. It causes confusion in your reproductive system.

This can increase your risk of PCOS symptoms.

Endocrine Disruptors are often found in canned foods, and soaps.

Use Supplements

Supplements are good to help you with hormone regulation, insulin resistance, and inflammation associated with PCOS.

Consult your doctor before taking any supplement as they can interfere with other prescribed PCOS treatments and medications.


Inositol may be a B-complex vitamin that will help improve insulin resistance. It’s also been found to assist with fertility in some cases of PCOS.


Zinc is a trace element that can boost fertility and your immune system.

PCOS symptoms are better managed with zinc supplements.

You can also eat meat, beans, tree nuts, and seafood to urge more zinc in your diet.

Evening primrose oil

Evening primrose oil helps you in period pain and irregular menstruation.

It may also improve good cholesterol levels and oxidative stress, both of which are related to PCOS.

Combined vitamin D and calcium

Vitamin D is a hormone that’s very important to your endocrine system.

A combination of Vitamin D and calcium may improve irregular periods and assist you to ovulate.

Cod liver oil

Cod liver oil contains vitamins D and A, as well as high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids.

This content can help improve menstrual regularity and help get rid of fat around your waist.

Take Sufficient Sleep to Reduce Stress

Good sleep reduces your stress level and helps regulate cortisol to balance your hormones.

To avoid sleep disturbance make sure you avoid stimulants and rich, fatty foods before bedtime.

Also, follow regular sleep timings and take at least 8 hours of sleep.

You can also get some PCOS solutions in your kitchen.

Home Remedies for PCOS

There are some home remedies available in your kitchen. Step into the kitchen and find food ingredients below to add to your daily diet.


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Obesity are co-related.

Honey lowers hunger pangs and keeps your stomach full. Mix one tablespoon of honey with lemon and lukewarm water.

Drink it only on an empty stomach early in the morning. This aids you in losing weight.

Indian Gooseberry (Amla)

The Indian gooseberry helps you controlling blood sugar levels and also improving chances of fertility.

Indian Gooseberry in any form can help you manage PCOS. Eat it in raw or as a pickle or as a juice in liquid form.


Consuming fenugreek leaves or seeds will help in maintaining normal insulin levels.

Fenugreek improves glucose tolerance in the body that aids in weight loss.

Soak fenugreek seeds overnight and consume them thrice a day.

Bitter Gourd

Bitter gourd is prescribed to diabetics to bring the insulin and glucose level under control.

The leaves and the vegetables, both, can be consumed by women with PCOS.

You can also consume bitter gourd in the form of juice.

Holy Basil

It can control androgens and moderate insulin levels. Holy Basil is also an excellent antioxidant.

So, consume at least 10 leaves early in the morning on an empty stomach. Also, consume boiled holy basil water on a regular basis.

Flax Seeds

These seeds help you reduces the number of available testosterone in your body.

Flax seeds help in utilizing the glucose and insulin in the body.

Consuming flax seeds, helps you control the side effects of PCOS.

The seeds can either be powdered or added to your breakfast. You are also suggested to add them to your drinking water every day.

Now a Million Dollar Question…

Can a woman with PCOS get pregnant without medication?

Some PCOS women think they’re unable to become pregnant, but this isn’t true.

In fact, the majority of women with PCOS who are trying to conceive will become pregnant. Good News is that you don’t need any fertility treatment.

You will have to maintain moderate weight, balance your blood sugar levels, and treat other PCOS symptoms with healthy lifestyle changes.

In some cases, fertility medications alone will help you get pregnant especially women over age 35. But regardless of what option you explore, don’t lose hope.


PCOS is neither a fatal nor inherently dangerous disease. All husbands should know that woman can live a happy life if PCOS is well managed.

Coping with a chronic disease is a challenge. Early intervention is the key to treating and preventing complications.

If you have better communication with your partner, you will win the fight with PCOS.

Share the information so others are also get benefited. Put your thoughts and experiences in the comment below.

This post was last modified on February 28, 2024 7:08 pm

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